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  • INICIO | hathorfestival

    Hathor Festival Prepare o seu coração e seja muito bem vindo ao Hathor Festival! ​ Venha viver intensamente sua paix ão por dança oriental! Mais do que um festival, trabalhamos para proporcionar a você experiências para guardar para sempre na memória. Serão três dias de intensa programação onde você poderá mostrar sua arte, aprimorar sua dança com grandes mestres, conhecer e trocar experiências com pessoas que compartilham da mesma paixão, fazer novos amigos, se encantar com as apresentações e viver momentos incríveis na capital ecológica do Brasil. ​ Em 2024 celebramos nossa 12° edição já consolidados com um dos mais expressivos festivais de dança oriental do país, onde além de oportunizar a vinda de mestres nacionais e internacionais da mais alta qualidade técnica e artística, também proporcionamos aos participantes a visibilidade dos seus trabalhos, destaque para novos talentos e premiações inéditas! Este ano além da premiação financeira de R$5000,00 sendo: R$3000,00 para o coreógrafa/grupo destacado, R$1000,00 para dupla e R$ 1000,00 para o solista com a maior pontuação do evento também possibilitamos intercâmbios com eventos internacionais. Esta é a oportunidade que seu trabalho precisava para tornar se internacional! ​ A coreógrafa/professora com o grupo com a maior pontuação do evento, além da premiação financeira retorna ao Hathor Festival no ano seguinte como uma de nossas estrelas ministrando workshop e com apresentação especial em nosso Gala Show. ​ E os prêmios não param por aí! Temos figurinos dos mais renomados ateliers, combos de aulas para grandes festivais, véus, trajes para aulas e diversos incentivos oferecidos por nossos apoiadores. Confira regulamento. Uma superestrutura está sendo preparada para te receber. Todo o festival acontece na região mais nobre de Curitiba, próximo ao centro da cidade e aos melhores hotéis, restaurantes e shoppings. As competições, mostras e Shows de Gala acontecem no Shopping Novo Batel em três palcos simultaneamente onde além da melhor estrutura de iluminação e cenografia você terá todo o conforto e fácil acesso a comodidades como praça de alimentação, bancos, lojas, salão de beleza e cafés. Nossa equipe está a sua disposição para ajudar em todas suas dúvidas e facilitar sua vinda! Sejam todos muito bem vindos ao Hathor Festival!

  • CONTATO | hathorfestival

    Hathor Festival 41 - 99901-0389 (Angela) 41 - 99621-2790 (Beautiful) ​ Your details have been sent successfully! Submit

  • HOSPEDAGEM | hathorfestival

    Acerca de Hospedagem Saint Emilion by Atlantica O hotel oficial do evento é o Saint Emilion by Atlantica, localizado na R. Visc. do Rio Branco, 1295 - Centro, Curitiba. Este hotel fica em uma região nobre da cidade com diversos restaurantes e lojas no entorno, com fácil acesso ao ponto de ônibus turístico e localizado a 1km de distancia dos locais das competições e shows e menos de 400m do local dos workshops. Tarifas especiais para o s participantes do Hathor Festival, através de reservas feitas diretamente na pagina do hotel, utilizando o código promocional ADICIONAR ​ Quaisquer dúvidas entrar em contato com a central de reservas : +55 41 99758-5697 ​

  • INSCRIÇÕES/LOJA | hathorfestival

    Loja Ficha de Ingressos Ficha de Inscrição Solo Ficha de Inscrição Dupla/Trio Regulamento Ficha de Inscrição Super Star Ficha de Inscrição Workshop Ficha de Inscrição Grupo R$100,00 Por Integrante R$90,00 Por Integrante Por Integrante R$80,00 Por Integrante R$30,00 R$60,00 R$300,00 R$350,00 R$60,00 R$300,00

  • PROGRAMAÇÃO | hathorfestival

    PROGRAMAÇÃO COMPLETA PROGRAMAÇÃO Sexta – 11 de Outubro de 2024 ​ Projeto Super Star- Dance com Alex de Lora - Master Class ​ A sua oportunidade de se apresentar em nosso exclusivo show de Gala junto a super star Alex de Lora da Ucrânia. Nesta master class você aprenderá uma coreografia exclusiva de “Drum Solo” e poderá se apresentar junto a ela no Gala Show “Celebration” no Sábado dia 12 de Outubro. VAGAS LIMITADAS! ​ Local- Hotel St Emilion by Atlântica- Salão de eventos Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 1295- Centro, Curitiba Horário- Das 13h às 16h30 Investimento - R$300, 00 - 1ºlote R$350,00 - 2º lote R$400,00 - 3º lote ou quando esgotarem as vagas. ​ ​ Gala Show de abertura com Tony Mouzayek e banda ao vivo. Um show incrível com o grande astro da música árabe no Brasil e cantor da novela “O Clone”, banda, bailarinas e grupos convidados. ​ Categoria MASTER- Live Band Uma das categorias mais aguardadas do festival será realizada juntamente a Tony Mouzayek e banda ao vivo. Exclusivo para bailarinas que já tenham ganho premiações anteriores no Hathor Festival ou pré-selecionadas pela organização. Vagas limitadas. ​ Local: Teatro Fernanda Montenegro - Shopping Novo Batel-Piso A R. Cel. Dulcídio, 517 - Batel, Curitiba. Horário: 20h Ingressos antecipados : R$60,00 -1º lote R$70,00 - 2º lote R$80,00 - 3º lote ​ Sabado – 12 de Outubro de 2024 ​ Local- Shopping Novo Batel-Piso A Teatro Fernanda Montenegro e João Luiz Fiani R. Cel. Dulcídio, 517 - Batel, Curitiba. ​ * Das 10h às 20h- Competições e Mostras de Dança. O cronograma completo com a ordem e horário aproximado das apresentações serão divulgados na semana do evento em nosso site e nossa página do Facebook e Instagram. Participantes inscritas nas mostras ou competições tem acesso livre às atividades do evento. Público em geral ingressos a R$30,00, ingressos no dia R$ 40,00. * venda antecipada através de nosso site. ​ Palco Improvisa (Piso A) ​ Durante todo o dia, de hora em hora apresentações abertas ao público na praça de alimentação do Shopping Novo Batel. Participação livre e gratuita . Leve sua música em pen drive e mostre o seu talento. Aulas abertas e atividades especiais gratuitas. Feira Oriental (Piso A) ​ Durante todo o dia venda de artigos para danças orientais, figurinos, lenços, véus, acessórios, abeys, etc. Estande cultural com lançamentos de livros e sessão de autógrafos. Cobertura fotográfica e de vídeo Você poderá adquirir a filmagem e fotos da sua apresentação com qualidade profissional diretamente com os profissionais responsáveis: Vídeo- Audio Stamp: Virgilio Miléo- (41)999713848 Fotos- Marcelo Imano- (41)999948264 ​ ​ Às 21h - Gala Show "CELEBRATION" ​ ​ Um show histórico em uma grande celebração a arte da dança oriental! Grandes estrelas nacionais e internacionais das danças árabes em uma super produção no palco do Hathor Festival. ​ Em breve divulgaremos todo elenco do show! Acompanhe nossas redes sociais. Avisamos a todos os participantes que os ingressos do Gala Show costumar esgotar com bastante antecedência. Por isto não deixe para última hora e garanta seu lugar. Ingressos antecipados : R$60,00- 1º lote R$70,00- 2º lote R$80,00- 3º lote Domingo – 13 de Outubro de 2024 ​ Local- Clube Círculo Militar do Paraná Largo Bittencourt, 187- Centro Workshops ​ Venha atualizar seus conhecimentos e aprender com grandes mestres da dança oriental. Um dia inteiro dedicado a aulas, troca de experiência e oportunidade de fazer novas amizades. Cursos com certificado digital. Participe da escolha dos temas dos Workshops através de votação em nossas redes sociais @hathorfestival ​ Investimentos- R$350,00- 1º lote R$400,00 -2º lote R$450,00- 3º lote ou quando esgotarem as vagas. Durante todo o dia feira oriental com diversos produtos no local.

  • Regulation - Group | hathorfestival

    Regulamento Grupos Groups Regulation VOLTAR Classic Group Folklore Group Modern/Fusion Group Classic Group Groups of at least four dancers, men and women, can participate in this category, regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under the age of 16, these must be accompanied by a greater responsible. The maximum time allowed is up to four exact minutes by choreography. In this category, Belly Dance performances with oriental routine music will be allowed, tarab, traditional sung songs, baladi (since the choreographic and costume context, fall into the folk category), etc. Veiled dances only using traditional models. IT'S the use of double veils or even a greater number of veils is allowed, provided they are in a model traditional (do not use wings, poi, fan veils, etc. here, as they are considered modern). O Simple silk veil can be used in this category, as it has already been incorporated into the concert routine. belly dancing professionals. The use of accessories is optional, as long as it is in accordance with the category. Rating criteria Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. ​ Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Grupo Classico Folklore Group Groups of at least four dancers, men and women, can participate in this category. regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under the age of 16, these must be accompanied by a greater responsible. The maximum time allowed is up to four exact minutes by choreography. In this category, the group presentations of folk and popular dances from the Arab world compete, male and female. The following modalities automatically fall into place: Dabke, Baton Traditional, Tambourine, Folk Sword, Khalege, Kawleeya, Baladi, Jug, Gawazee, MeleaLaf, Dance of the Spoons, Fisherman's Dance, Mowashahat, Nubian Dance, Hagalla, Bedouin Dances and other dances typical of Middle Eastern countries, provided that their existence and characteristics that the define as folk and or popular. The criteria that define folk dance are based on the entire set: rhythm of the music, costumes, sequences of steps, movements and interpretation, that is, if the competitor opted for folk dancing, must use appropriate costume and music. Rating criteria Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. ​ Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Grupo Folclore Modern Group or Fusion Groups of at least four dancers, men and women, can participate in this category, regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under the age of 16, these must be accompanied by a greater responsible. The maximum time allowed is up to four exact minutes by choreography. The Modern or Fusion category covers Arab oriental dances modern or becoming modernized from the artistic development of the teacher or choreographer. This means that here if they even frame up-to-date or stylized Arabic folk dances. For fusion dances that mix Arabic dance with any other style (flamenco, gypsy, indian, afro, gothic, ballet, dance modern, street dance etc.). This category also includes derbak soils. Rating criteria Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. ​ Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Grupo Moderno ou Fusão

  • REGULAMENTO | hathorfestival

    competitions Regulamento Solos Regulamento Master Regulamento Dupla/trio Regulamento Mostra Regulamento Grupos Ou Baixe Regulamento na Integra Information The participation of any dancer, amateur or professional, of both sexes is allowed; The presentations will be of free artistic expression related and correlated with the Dances  Arabs, such as Belly Dances, Folk Dances, Ethnic Dances, Tribal Dances, Gypsy Dances, Indian Dances and Performances, among others; Every Hathor Festival participant authorizes the use of their image by the event team in any means of communication, for the purposes of disclosure, without any charges and restrictions; The person responsible for the registered works, by signing the registration form, declares to be aware and of in accordance with all the rules of this regulation; In this online edition and in order to ensure compliance with the recommended measures by the health authorities we guide the participants of collective categories that make the use of masks and other measures to combat the pandemic; ​ It is subject to disqualification, as decided by the organization, including on a date subsequent to the announcement of the results, any participant who has a disrespectful attitude or who puts the physical and moral integrity of other competitors, organization and name of the festival; The festival is not responsible for technical and connection failures of the participants. In case of If the participant has a problem with their transmission, they will receive guidance from the organization and will be transferred to the end of the category. If it is not possible to make the presentation o candidate until the end of their category they will be disqualified, and the festival will be exempt from any burden; ​ In extreme cases of power outage, connection or situations where it may endanger the organizing team, the event vetoes the right to change the pre-established time or date for its achievement. Registration closes on September 24, 2021 or when vacancies run out ​ Competition Show Important: The time established by regulation is the maximum limit for music and choreography, and it cannot exceed the exact time. The organization will have the right to veto registrations and presentations that exceed the time established in this regulation. There will be no margin of tolerance. Presentations that exceed the allowed time may be disqualified, even after the delivery of the awards. Important: The withdrawal or non-attendance of any participant, after their registration has been completed, will be their sole responsibility, and the organization will not be responsible for any type of reimbursement or refund of the amount paid with the registrations. Chapter IV - Reception After the disclosure of candidates who will participate in the live stage, the finalists will be directed to an exclusive WhatsApp group in their category where they will receive all guidance and will be in direct contact with the event's organizing team. ​ Chapter V - Tests Sunday, October 3rd, at 8pm we will have a meeting via Zoom with important guidelines for the live grand final broadcasts. We recommend that the participants are at the place where they will carry out the transmission and with the devices that will be used for the necessary technical tests. Chapter VI - Presentations All categories with the exception of the Solo Master and the group categories will be presented in two phases. The first step will be the submission of the recorded video which will be posted on our official Instagram page @hathorfestival and sent to our jury for evaluation. Videos will be made available according to the order of entries; It is important that the video is filmed in horizontal format, at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights by back), preferably with a neutral background and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The three choreographies that reach the highest overall scores in each category will be selected for the final stage live, and a fourth choreography will be chosen by public choice. The publication that reaches the highest number of comments will also be selected for the final live stage; The videos will be made available on our page according to the order they are sent, after confirming your registration and sending the material, the organization has a period of up to three business days to post it on our page. Participants who register in advance will have more time to publicize their participation and thus more chances to win their place for the final through popular vote. Share, like, comment and invite your friends and family to assemble your organized crowd; IMPORTANT - the popular vote aims to increase the reach of publications and the dissemination of their dance. The event organizers have no way of verifying whether comments were made by people or through voting applications. We ask that everyone has an ethical posture with the other competitors and not use this resource, as the page may be blocked, thus harming the event and all participants. If it is proven that the candidate is using resources that may affect the progress of the event and other participants, it will be subject to disqualification; The finalists will be announced on Saturday 2nd October at 9pm live stream on our Youtube channel HathorFestival ; The Grand Finals of the Solo, Doubles and Trios categories will be Saturday and Sunday on October 9th and 10th, from 10 am with the four selected choreographies from each category, broadcast live on the Youtube Hathor Festival channel. The finalists will receive a link to access a Zoom room where they will make their presentation and it will be broadcast in real time on Youtube; The Solo Mastere Grupos categories will take place in a single phase on Sunday 10th October, live broadcast by YoutubeHathor Festival; The champions will be announced at the opening of the Gala Show, starting at 8pm on Sunday, October 10th, live via Youtube; Presentations with live animals, plants and any objects that may or artifacts that may pose a risk to the participant will not be allowed. The use of fire on any type of object is not allowed: candles, cups, candelabra, among others. For this, use LED candles; The presentation is completely naked, under penalty of elimination of the participant; Important: The festival is not responsible for technical and connection failures of the participants. In case the participant has any problem with his transmission, he will receive guidance from the organization and will be transferred to the end of the category. Participants must film their presentations with another device as a backup copy, if it is not possible to perform the live broadcast, the event organization may request this footage. If it is not possible to make the presentation the candidate, until the end of his category, may be disqualified, and the festival will be exempt from any burden; All participants registered in the competition mode will be able to request their marks by e-mail: from the 18th of October. No notes will be delivered on the day of the event. The judges' analysis will be expressed through written notes and an audio with recorded considerations about their presentation; If there are less than four entries per category, candidates will automatically be approved for the live grand final; After confirming their registration, cancellations or refunds cannot be requested. Finalists must communicate with the organization one hour before the start of their category to receive guidance and wait for their moment to enter live. The non-attendance of the participant at the time determined by the organizing committee will be understood as a withdrawal, with no reimbursement. There will be no changes in order or times of presentations. Please note that the live finals competitions will take place on Saturday and Sunday 9th and 10th October, starting at 10am; The order of presentations is the sole responsibility of the festival's organizing committee, the scheduled times will be informed for each category, but the participant must be aware of the progress of the event and any delays, advances in their presentation and any technical adjustments; ​ Child Solo Category Forecast of start 10h Saturday 9th of October Youth Solo Category Start forecast 10:40 am Saturday 9th of October Gypsy Amateur Solo Category Expected start 11:20 am Saturday 9th of October Solo Professional Gypsy Category 12h start forecast Saturday 9th of October Solo Category Amateur Folklore 14h start forecast Saturday 9th of October Professional Folklore Solo Category Start forecast 2:40 pm Saturday 9th of October Double Category / Modern Trio Expected start at 3:20 pm Saturday 9th of October Double/Trio Folklore Category 16h start forecast Saturday 9th of October Double Category/Classic Trio Expected start 4:40 pm Saturday 9th of October Queen Solo Category 10:00 start forecast Sunday 10th of October Amateur Solo Category Start forecast 10:40 am Sunday 10th of October Professional Solo Category Expected start 11:20 am Sunday 10th of October Master Solo Category 14h start forecast Sunday 10th of October Category Modern/Fusion Group 16h start forecast Sunday 10th of October Category Folklore Group Expected start 4:50 pm Sunday 10th of October Classic Group Category Start forecast 5:40 pm Sunday 10th of October ​

  • 2017 | hathorfestival

    Workshop Gala show

  • Regulation - Soils | hathorfestival

    Soil regulation VOLTAR Professional Solo Master Solo Amateur Solo Professional Folklore Solo Professional Gypsy Solo youth soil Solo Master Hathor of the Gurias Queen solo Regulamento Solos Hathor of the Gurias Child Soil Category - Evaluation Show ​ Children aged from 3 years and up to 10 years and 11 months can participate in this exhibition complete. The maximum time allowed is a maximum of 3 minutes exactly per choreography. The choreography can be Belly Dance or Arabic Folklore with songs chosen by the dancer and advisor, as long as it is suitable for the child's universe, emphasizing play, play and joy of dancing. The dancer must have a parent or teacher who is responsible for her participation and providing guidance on the procedures of this regulation. This category will take place in two phases: 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage the candidates must perform a presentation of Traditional, Classical Belly Dance, Modern, Fusion, Performance, Folk Dances, Traditional or Percussion Solo of your free. choice, whether or not you can use accessories, with the choreography having a maximum of three minutes exact duration. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate will be selected for the final stage who receive the most comments on their post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through public choice. ​ 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for the newsstand evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. From this stage, the highlighted dancers with the highest scores will be elected by the judges. Evaluation: THE ASSESSMENT OF THIS CATEGORY SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD AS A STEP OF THE PROCESS TEACHING-LEARNING AND NOT AN INCENTIVE TO COMPETITIVENESS AMONG CHILDREN. IN THIS WAY THE EVENT ORGANIZATION WILL AWARD ALL PARTICIPANTS WITH MEDALS. The dancers who stand out with the highest grades will also win prizes. ​ Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance ​ Hathor das Gurias youth soil Youth Solo Category ​ Category for Belly Dance and Arabic Folklore students aged between 11 and under 16 completed in 2021. The maximum time allowed is exactly three minutes in length. a parent or teacher who is responsible for their participation, advising on the procedures of this regulation. This category will take place in two phases: 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage the candidates must perform a presentation of Traditional, Classical Belly Dance, Modern, Fusion, Performance, Folk Dances, Traditional or Percussion Solo of your choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum of three minutes exact duration. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate will be selected for the final stage who get the most comments on their post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through public choice 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for the newsstand evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For any need for tie-breakers, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Juvenil Livre youth soil Youth Solo Category ​ Category for Belly Dance and Arabic Folklore students aged between 11 and under 16 completed in 2021. The maximum time allowed is exactly three minutes in length. a parent or teacher who is responsible for their participation, advising on the procedures of this regulation. This category will take place in two phases: 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage the candidates must perform a presentation of Traditional, Classical Belly Dance, Modern, Fusion, Performance, Folk Dances, Traditional or Percussion Solo of your choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum of three minutes exact duration. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate will be selected for the final stage who get the most comments on their post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through public choice 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for the newsstand evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For any need for tie-breakers, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ youth soil Youth Solo Category ​ Category for Belly Dance and Arabic Folklore students aged between 11 and under 16 completed in 2021. The maximum time allowed is exactly three minutes in length. a parent or teacher who is responsible for their participation, advising on the procedures of this regulation. This category will take place in two phases: 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage the candidates must perform a presentation of Traditional, Classical Belly Dance, Modern, Fusion, Performance, Folk Dances, Traditional or Percussion Solo of your choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum of three minutes exact duration. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate will be selected for the final stage who get the most comments on their post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through public choice 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for the newsstand evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For any need for tie-breakers, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Amateur Solo Amateur Solo Category ​ Exclusive category for dance students, with the participation of teachers and/or professional dancers. Competitors must be 16 years old in the year 2021. competitor is lower than this, she must apply in the Solo Juvenil Feminine category. this category will happen in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage the candidates must perform a presentation of Traditional, Classical Belly Dance, Modern, Fusion, Performance or Percussion Solo of your choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum duration of three minutes. will not be accepted within this category folk dances (in this case, subscribe to the folk solo category). It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate will be selected for the final stage who get the most comments on their post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through the choice of the public. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for banking evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be elected by the jury. ​ Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Solo Amador Professional Solo Professional Solo Category ​ Professional dancers are those who dance or have danced for payment of cachê and/or teach belly dancing privately, in schools or teach larger workshops 16 years old. This category will take place in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage the candidates must perform a presentation of Traditional, Classical Belly Dance, Modern, Fusion, Performance or Percussion Solo of your choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum duration of three minutes. will not be accepted within this category folk dances (in this case, subscribe to the folk solo category). It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate will be selected for the final stage who get the most comments on their post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through the choice of the public. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this edition, in the final stage, the candidates will be evaluated by the Egyptian teacher Raqia Hassan. In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for banking evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. ​ Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Solo Profissional Professional Folklore Solo Professional Folklore Solo Category ​ Professional dancers are those who dance or have danced for payment of cachê and/or teach dance privately, in schools or teach workshops. can participate men and women over 16 years of age. This category will take place in two phases: The maximum time allowed is three minutes exactly per choreography. ​ Theme: Folk and Popular Dances from Arab Countries In this category, solo performances of folk and popular dances from the Arab world compete, male and female. The following modalities automatically fall into place: Dabke, Baton Traditional, Tambourine, Folk Sword, Khalege, Kawleeya, Baladi, Jug, Gawazee, MeleaLaf, Dance of the Spoons, Fisherman's Dance, Mowashahat, Nubian Dance, Hagalla, Bedouin Dances and other dances typical of Middle Eastern countries, provided that their existence and characteristics that the define as folk and or popular. The criteria that define folk dance are based on the whole: rhythm of the music, costumes, sequences of steps, movements and interpretation, that is, if the competitor opted for folk dancing, must use appropriate costume and music. This category will happen in two phases: 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage, candidates must perform a presentation of folk or popular dances from the Arab countries of your choice, you may or may not use accessories, and the choreography be no more than three exact minutes in length. Presentations will not be accepted in this category. of belly dancing and its strands. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate who get the most comments on your post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through the choice of the public. ​ 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for banking evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. From this stage, the winners in first, second and third place will be elected by the jury. ​ Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Solo Folclore Amador Solo Folclore Profissonal Master Solo Master Solo Category More than a competition, a show of great talents! ​ Professional dancers over 16 years old and who have already obtained some of the first three places in the Professional Solo Category in previous editions of the Hathor Festival or renowned professionals in the dance market, teachers, school owners, being pre- selected by the organization of the event. The participating dancers in this category will have their names and photos posted on the website and social media of event and the winner will receive an invitation to perform at the Hathor Festival 2022 GalaShow and integrate the festival's jury panel. This category will take place in a single phase with live performances on Sunday 10th October 2021, at the time to be announced by the event organizers. ​ In this edition, the participants will be evaluated by the Egyptian teacher Raqia Hassan. Theme: Classic/Tarab/Traditional/Oriental Routine The dancer must perform a presentation in classical, tarab, traditional or routine styles Eastern. The maximum time allowed for choreography is exactly four minutes in length. Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Solo Master Queen's Solo Queen's Solo Category (over 40 years old) ​ Women over 40 years old can participate in this category, regardless of professional experience. The maximum time allowed is three minutes exactly per choreography. This category will take place in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video In this stage, candidates must perform a presentation of Traditional, Classical, Modern, Fusion, Performance or Percussion Solo of their own choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum of three minutes in length . Folk dances will not be accepted in this category (in this case, register in the folkloric solo category). It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a neutral background and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall grades and one more candidate who receives the greatest amount of comments in their publication on our official Instagram page will be selected for the final stage, obtaining their place for the final through the public's choice. ​ 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube to the judging panel and the public, following the same criteria as in the previous stage. The choreography may be unpublished or its re-presentation presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation be filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. ​ Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Solo da Rainha Amador (acima de 40 anos) Solo Rainha Amateur Gypsy Solo Amateur Gypsy Solo Category ​ Exclusive category for dance students, with the participation of teachers and/or professional dancers. Competitors must be 16 years old in the year 2021. present all styles of gypsy dance and from different origins. The use of accessories such as fans, shawl, among others, is optional at the candidate's discretion. The contestant will be able to choose the song that wish as long as it does not exceed the maximum time of three minutes per choreography.This category will happen in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage, candidates must perform a Gypsy Dance presentation of their own choice, may or may not be used as accessories, with the choreography having a maximum of three exact minutes of duration. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 dancers with the highest overall scores and one more candidate will be selected for the final stage who get the most comments on their post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through the choice of the public. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for banking evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. Rating criteria: Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude in scene, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony – Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (attire, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the music style and proposed dance Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. ​ Solo Cigano Amador Cigano

  • Thank You page | hathorfestival

    we want to thank and congratulate by the acquisition. Do not forget to send an email to , sending your proof of payment and fill in your registration form which can be found on our website, in the shop tab. 55 - 41 - 9990-0389 Here we are, at your disposal, to always provide you with great satisfaction and resolve any eventuality that may arise. Thanks!

  • WORKSHOP | hathorfestival

    INSCRIÇÃO VALORES Workshops ​ Venha atualizar seus conhecimentos e aprender com grandes mestres da dança oriental. Um dia inteiro dedicado a aulas, troca de experiência e oportunidade de fazer novas amizades. Cursos com certificado digital. Grandes bailarinas se constroem em sala de aula! Não esta oportunidade! NOVO ENDEREÇO Clube Círculo Militar do Paraná Endereço : Largo Bittencourt, 187 - Centro, Curitiba - PR, 80060-230 ​ 8h- Silvia Bragagnolo - Deslocamento Impactantes 9h – Ju Marconato - Movimentos fluidos arredondados pra reconexão 10h30- Mahaila El Helwa - Deslocamentos com o quadril ​ 12h - Intervalo para almoço. No local teremos opções de refeições rápidas e lanches durante todo o dia. ​ 13h - Workshop Internacional Vaagn Tadevosian - KHALIJE 15h - Workshop Internacional Vaagn Tadevosian - Golden Era (NOVIDADE) 16h - Bruno Habibe - Técnicas orientais estilo Egípcio com ênfase em movimento de impacto. 17h - Esmeralda Saadeh - Desmistificando a expressão na dança. 18h – Isis Mahasin- Campeã do premio Hathor 2022 - Solo de percussão . 19h - Maíse Ribeiro - Equilibrando os pensamentos. ​

  • Regulation - Double/Trio | hathorfestival

    Reulamento Dupla/Trio Double/Trio Regulation Double/Trio - Classic Double/Trio - Classic Dupla/Trio juvenil Double/Trio - Classic Dupla/Trio - CIGANO VOLTAR Double/Trio Classic ​ Doubles or triples, men and women, can participate in this category, regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under 16 years of age, they must be accompanied by a responsible person. The maximum time allowed is four minutes exactly per choreography. This category will take place in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage, candidates must perform a classical or traditional Belly Dance presentation of their own choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum duration of four minutes. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a neutral background and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; Will be selected for the final stage the 03 duos / trios with the highest overall grades and one that gets the most comments on its publication on our official page on Instagram, obtaining its place for the final through the public's choice. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube to the judging panel and the public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography can be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation be filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. ​ Evaluation Criteria - Classic or Traditional Doubles/Trios Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Dupla/Trio Juvenil Double/Trio Classic ​ Doubles or triples, men and women, can participate in this category, regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under 16 years of age, they must be accompanied by a responsible person. The maximum time allowed is four minutes exactly per choreography. This category will take place in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage, candidates must perform a classical or traditional Belly Dance presentation of their own choice, with or without accessories, with the choreography having a maximum duration of four minutes. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a neutral background and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; Will be selected for the final stage the 03 duos / trios with the highest overall grades and one that gets the most comments on its publication on our official page on Instagram, obtaining its place for the final through the public's choice. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube to the judging panel and the public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography can be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation be filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. ​ Evaluation Criteria - Classic or Traditional Doubles/Trios Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Dupla/Trio Classico Double/Trio Folklore Doubles or trios can participate in this category, men and women, regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under the age of 16, they must be accompanied of a greater responsibility. The maximum time allowed is four minutes exactly per choreography. This category will take place in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage the candidates must perform a Folk Dance presentation of their own choice, may or may not be used as accessories, with the choreography having a maximum of four exact minutes of duration. In this category, solo performances of folk and popular dances from the Arab world compete, male and female. The following modalities automatically fall into place: Dabke, Baton Traditional, Tambourine, Folk Sword, Khalege, Kawleeya, Baladi, Jug, Gawazee, MeleaLaf, Dance of the Spoons, Fisherman's Dance, Mowashahat, Nubian Dance, Hagalla, Bedouin Dances and other dances typical of Middle Eastern countries, provided that their existence and characteristics that the define as folk and or popular. The criteria that define folk dance are based on the whole: rhythm of the music, costumes, sequences of steps, movements and interpretation, that is, if the competitor opted for folk dancing, must use appropriate costume and music It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 doubles/trios with the highest overall scores and one more that will be selected for the final stage get the most comments on your post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through the choice of the public. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for banking evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. ​ Evaluation Criteria - Classic or Traditional Doubles/Trios Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Dupla/Trio Folclore Modern Double/Trio or Fusion Doubles or trios can participate in this category, men and women, regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under the age of 16, they must be accompanied of a greater responsibility. The maximum time allowed is four minutes exactly per choreography. This category will take place in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage, candidates must perform a presentation of Modern Dance or a fusion of their own choice, whether or not you can use accessories, and the choreography has at most four minutes exactly in duration. The Modern or Fusion category covers Arab oriental dances modern or becoming modernized from the artistic development of the teacher or choreographer. This means that here if they even frame up-to-date or stylized Arabic folk dances. For fusion dances that mix Arabic dance with any other style (flamenco, gypsy, indian, afro, gothic, ballet, dance modern, street dance etc.). This category also includes derbak soils. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 doubles/trios with the highest overall scores and one more that will be selected for the final stage get the most comments on your post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through the choice of the public. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for banking evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. Evaluation Criteria - Classic or Traditional Doubles/Trios Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Dupla/Trio Moderno ou Fusão Modern Double/Trio or Fusion Doubles or trios can participate in this category, men and women, regardless of age or professional experience. In the case of members under the age of 16, they must be accompanied of a greater responsibility. The maximum time allowed is four minutes exactly per choreography. This category will take place in two phases: ​ 1st Elimination Phase Video At this stage, candidates must perform a presentation of Modern Dance or a fusion of their own choice, whether or not you can use accessories, and the choreography has at most four minutes exactly in duration. The Modern or Fusion category covers Arab oriental dances modern or becoming modernized from the artistic development of the teacher or choreographer. This means that here if they even frame up-to-date or stylized Arabic folk dances. For fusion dances that mix Arabic dance with any other style (flamenco, gypsy, indian, afro, gothic, ballet, dance modern, street dance etc.). This category also includes derbak soils. It is important that the video is filmed at a distance that allows the full framing of your dance, with good lighting (avoid colored lights or spotlights from behind), preferably with a background neutral and good audio quality. Videos with editing and editing during the dance will not be accepted; The 03 doubles/trios with the highest overall scores and one more that will be selected for the final stage get the most comments on your post on our official Instagram page, getting your place to the final through the choice of the public. 2nd- Final Phase Live In this stage, the candidates will present themselves with a live broadcast on Youtube for banking evaluator and public, following the same criteria as in the previous phase. The choreography may be unpublished or the re-presentation of the same presented by video, being the candidate's choice. It is important that the presentation is filmed by another camera or cell phone as a backup in the in case of any technical problem. In this phase, the winners in first, second and third place will be chosen by the judges. Evaluation Criteria - Classic or Traditional Doubles/Trios Technique - Knowledge, degree of difficulty, cleanliness and mastery of the movements performed, variation of steps, orderly and coherent connection between movements and use of the scenic space; Expression - Interpretation according to the modality presented, facial and body expression, attitude on stage, self-confidence and ability to communicate with the audience; Harmony - Rhythm and musicality, steps and movements according to the sound of the instruments and synchrony between members; Theme – Knowledge of the style of dance performed, music, rhythm and choreography appropriate to the proposed style; Artistic - In this regard, they assess whether the originality and creativity in the use of movements, formations and transitions that make up the choreography, as well as the visual presentation of each candidate (costume, makeup and props) and if they are suitable for the proposed music and dance style. Tiebreaker criteria: For a possible tiebreaker, the highest score will be awarded in the Technical category, followed by the highest note in the item Theme and Artistic. Remaining the tie, the judges will define the tiebreaker. Âncora 1

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